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What is a Charismatic Prayer Meeting?A “Charismatic Prayer Meeting” is a weekly gathering of Christians to give praise, thanks, honor, and love to Jesus Christ as our Lord and Saviour. It’s a time we gather in community, to praise God on a one-to-one basis, as the Holy Spirit moves us. A prayer meeting is not a discussion club, a therapy session, or a time for counseling. We come to give our full attention to Jesus – through the help of the Holy Spirit (who will teach us all truth.) To praise, worship, and honor God To build up the Body of Christ (as brothers and sisters)
What is the Content of a Charismatic Prayer Meeting?A gathering song; opening prayer; time of praise and worship; singing; prophecy (God inspiring someone to speak); tongues (in song, praise, or prophecy); interpretation of tongues; ministering the Gifts of the Spirit to the people gathered, in healing, miracles, word of knowledge, etc…(see 1 Cor. 12); scripture reading; teaching; testimony; sharing. (see 1 Cor. 14:26-33)
How Long do Prayer Meetings Last?Usually a minimum of 1 ½ hours.
Is a Charismatic Prayer Meeting Like a Eucharistic Celebration?Don’t compare one with the other. The Eucharist is a reliving of the greatest act of love that ever took place upon earth – the Last Supper and Calvary combined (Jesus’ offering Himself to the last drop of blood for each of us). In the Eucharist we receive Jesus’ body, blood, soul and divinity. In a prayer meeting Jesus is present as it says in the Scripture reading, “Where 2 or 3 are gathered in My name, there am I in their midst.” In a prayer meeting, we worship Him in an informal way. (1 Cor. 14:26 and Psalm 66)
What Should I Keep in Mind When Attending Prayer Meetings?Come at least four or five times before making a judgement. It takes that long to understand how the Spirit is working. Pray as you feel comfortable (and let others do the same). Praying alone we are easily distracted; we support each other at a prayer meeting. Pause between songs, readings, and teachings to allow the Spirit to work. Don’t concentrate on others – concentrate on Jesus. Close your eyes to distractions around you and let the Holy Spirit open your spiritual eyes to see with faith. All ages are welcome – we are all children of God. Prepare for the meetings, through prayer and scripture. Don’t be afraid, you are with friends. Don’t let the devil discourage you. You will experience the “Fruits of the Spirit” as you progress. (Gal. 5:22; 1 Cor. 12) If you do not have an opportunity to speak or share at the meetings – you may do so after the meeting with others. If you have any questions, please don’t leave until you get an answer. We love you – and together we love God – and HELP EACH OTHER AS BROTHERS AND SISTERS.
Is a Prayer Group a Parish Organization?No – a prayer group is made up of individuals that come together weekly as a family for the purpose of giving Jesus the praise He deserves. The first and primary purpose of all prayer is to praise and honor the God who created us and who gives us all the gifts we enjoy each day.
Do I Have to Raise my Hands or Pray Like Others Do?No – you should pray as you feel comfortable – as if you were alone with Jesus. Pray as you feel comfortable, but also respect others – the way they pray and feel comfortable.
Do I Have to Say “Praise the Lord, Alleluia”, etc, as Others May Do?No – you do not have to say or do anything you are not comfortable with. Just keep open to the Holy Spirit and pray however you wish – just PRAY! As we learn why God wants us to praise, we will desire to change our form of worship, but pray as you know how.
Why Do Some Greet Others with a Hug?This is a sign of brotherhood and an action, based on our faith, that we do love with Jesus’ Love. (see 1 Cor. 16-20, 2 Cor. 13:12, 1 Thess. 5:26, and 1 Peter 5:14)
Do I Have to Speak at a Prayer Meeting?No – it is the RELEASE of the POWER of the Holy Spirit already within us that we received by faith at our Confirmation, and now in our experience, to enable us to live the Christian life we want to live but had only been partially successful in doing. We will begin to experience a new ability to appreciate Jesus, the Bible, our daily prayer life, and our faith through this living experience.
What are the Spiritual Gifts We Pray For?Word of Wisdom; Word of Knowledge; Faith; Prophecy; Discernment of Spirits; Tongues (Acts 2:4); Interpretation of Tongues; Healing; Miracles (see 1 Cor. 12, 13, 14 & 1 Cor. 14:1) St. Paul recommends, “Strive eagerly for the spiritual gifts.” (1 Cor. 14:1)
Is the Baptism in the Spirit” a New Sacrament?No – it is the RELEASE of the POWER of the Holy Spirit already within us that we received by faith at our Confirmation, and now in our experience, to enable us to live the Christian life we want to live but had only been partially successful in doing. We will begin to experience a new ability to appreciate Jesus, the Bible, our daily prayer life, and our faith through this living experience.
What is a “Testimony”?Telling how the Lord is working in your life. It will always be a first-hand experience, not another person’s story. If the testimony is led by the Spirit, the result will be that the center of the testimony will be the honor and glory of Jesus, not the person sharing. (see John 16:14)
How Can I Grow Spiritually?First, submit yourself to the Lordship of Jesus in prayer, and talk to God as your loving Father who wants to teach you. Take time to listen for God to respond to your prayers. Second, take time every day to read the Word of God, the Bible, to learn about your Father and the love of Jesus for you, and to learn who God says you are as a part of His Son Jesus. Third, act on the new understandings you get from your prayer and Bible reading. (see Matt. 7:24-27 and James 1:22-25) Finally, submit yourself to God to become a part of a prayer meeting where other people are seeking spiritual growth as you are. Apply yourself to learn through attending the teachings that are offered, and God will do the rest.
Why Do We Sing?Singing is a way of praying, praising, and worshipping God. St. Augustine said, “He who sings, prays twice.” Songs can turn our hearts and thoughts toward God, and help us to understand the presence of Jesus if they are well selected. The meeting should not turn into a songfest. We should PAUSE between songs, readings, prophecies, etc, and LISTEN. This is the time the Holy Spirit can talk to us. We need silence to reflect and allow the Spirit to work. (see Colossians 3:16 and Ephesians 5:18-21)
What is The Gift of Tongues?The gift of Tongues is a prayer language. To pray, to speak, or sing in Tongues is to pray in what could be an earthly or heavenly language – a language currently used in the world or one long dead. Or it could be any one of countless dialects. Tongues is a spontaneous inspired utterance by the Holy Spirit in which we use our voice according to the Spirit’s prompting. To speak or sing in Tongues or “to pray in the Spirit”, as it is called, is what happens when a believer allows the indwelling Spirit to guide the form of the words he/she utters. All of them began to speak in other Tongues as the Spirit enabled them. (Acts 2:4). (See also Romans 8:26).
What Is Resting in the Spirit?It is the power of the Holy Spirit so filling a person with a heightened inner awareness that it feels natural to submit themselves to relax in the Lord. The person is conscious but is totally absorbed in the Lord. Many people who experience resting in the Holy Spirit experience not just the rest and peace, but God Himself in some way.
Where Can I Read Something on the Holy Spirit in the Bible?John 14:16 and 26; John 16:17 and 13; Acts 1:4 and 8; Acts 2:4, 17, and 38; Acts 4:31; Acts 5:32; Acts 8:17; Acts 10:44-48; Acts 19:5-6; Romans 5:3-5; Romans 8:1-17, 26-27; 1 Cor. 2:6-16; 1 Cor. 3:16; Galatians 5:16-26, and many others.
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